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TheBLACKMANCAN is committed to showcasing the positive images of boys and men of color through providing enriching activities that celebrate, educate and inspire.

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From our Institutes to our Power Couple Brunch, watch TheBlackManCan in action on our YouTube Channel. Don't forget to subscribe! 



Khamari Thornton

TheBlackManCan Institute is a mentoring program that I thoroughly enjoy partaking in. The men in-charge have instilled within me a sense of integrity and a need to stay focused on my education and to never give up on my dream and because of these messages they have given me, I will continue to pursue my career in the film and animation industry as I attempt to make a big name for myself, and I owe it to TheBlackManCan Institute." ~ Khamari Thornton ( Program Participant)

Wes Bellamy

TheBlackManCan and TheBlackManCan Institute has value beyond measure. As the Vice-Mayor of the City of Charlottesville, I've seen from a governmental and community perspective the importance of having strong Black men for young men to look up to. We brought the Institute to our city, and the impact was almost unbelievable. The young men who attended the institute were able to see Black Men from across the country come and show them that success in life was attainable, and it can only be defined by the person in the mirror. Participants walked around with a new found confidence, and an improved outlook on life. This program is one that I support 100%, and the need for this institute and program is needed for localities across the country." ~ Wes Bellamy Vice Mayor Charlottesville, VA


Dr. Craig Cooke

TheBlackManCan Institute was very powerful for Windsor students and the community. By utilizing a mix of national and local presenters we not only connected our students to prominent men of color locally but also across the nation. Most importantly following the events, we have seen an increase in students' interest and motivation in school. Windsor has also utilized some of the programs in other ways during the school year and the connections we've made have been invaluable. I have not seen a greater impact from any other one day program on students in my career. I would highly recommend TheBlackManCan Institute. ~ Dr. Craig Cooke Superintendent Windsor Public Schools